An Honest Man
By Michael Koryta
Release Date: July 25, 2023
Ebook Available from WV Reads
3 Stars - Another fine mystery, part dark thriller and part crime drama. Kortya does not publish as frequently as other writers. seems to save up his ideas and efforts for maximum effect, which I applaud. He never seems to write the same main character twice unless it's a series. This was not his best book in my opinion though. Israel is certainly a unique central character, an arguably wrongfully convicted ex-con who wants a simple and honest life in Maine with fish and photography. But I'm not sure I ever really got to actually like him. But possibly other readers really would. Kortya's an old hand at including imperiled child characters and does it again with skill here, as it's easy to sympathize with young Lyman. The blurb promised all kinds of political, supernatural, and/or otherwise intrigue. But it sort of got lost in (to me, boring) the murder investigation and Israel's "undercover" work? I think the dirty cop uncle and the human trafficking topics popped up way too fast. They might have made exciting twists toward the end of the book.