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BCPL Staff Review 8-16-24

The Price You Pay

By Nick Petrie

Release Date: February 6, 2024

Ebook Available from WV Reads!

3 Stars - A solid if a slow action thriller from a series that's been gaining a following for several years now. Peter Ash is a very likable main character. And he is probably fleshed out better in earlier stories. He's got a capable crew; usually highlighted by his old friend Louis, a badass black dude who is loyal and funny, and his girlfriend June, a smart and strong-willed reporter. This book focuses mainly on Louis' past, however, and probably a weak point. I kept expecting some moments of real connections with the characters. I had tried books one or two many years ago and could not get past the hard to follow descriptions of the settings for the action, and I admittedly had the same issue here. But we can't all mesh with every author and this book felt like I was slogging through. It didn't convince me to read the whole series but I can see why it has many fans. There's a lot of action scenes, military background, humor, and even sometimes heart warming friends and family come first vibes.


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